Kids and Aggressive Parents at Sports Games

Parents might wonder how to keep calm when you're watching your kids play sports. It is actually not as difficult as it seems.

 While a little spirit and encouragement is positive, too much competition on behalf of the parents is not conducive to a pleasant environment. Some parents have been known to get so rowdy that they end up in verbal or even physical spars with the other parents.

 Not only is this not a good lesson for the children, but it also will make the child into a pariah. The coach will remember the parents that fight and might bar the child from playing. And watching a child sit on the sidelines for parental foibles is not why you enrolled your kids in sports in the first place.

 You want to respect that this is something you do for your child. You love your child so you want them to have a chance to have a full life. So if other parents are getting rowdy, do not follow suit.

 It will take an incredible amount of self control to get to this place. You will not be happy if a parent is insulting your child's team. But do not ever retaliate.

 If you need to calm down, take a walk away from the game. Your coach will watch the child for you. This is not a time you need to be making the coach's job more difficult. Your child will be much safer if you walk away, which is of course counter intuitive to parenting in the real world.

 Once you come back, make sure you are calm. If you feel irritated still, then wait in the car until the child is done the game. Tell the child that if you are ever not in the stands, you are waiting in the car for them. Then they will know that you still showed up, but you are not going to ruin the activity for them. 
